Unifying onchain and offchain with concurrent ACID transactions.
Unifying onchain and offchain with concurrent ACID transactions.
ALUX network is building the concurrency control layer for Web 3.0. Both short-running and long-running transactions can be concurrently executed using our technology with ACID properties maintained. Our protocols are leaderless, lock-free and don't rely on compensation transactions.
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For traditional blockchains using "state machines," adding nodes leads to slower TPS. ALUX is the opposite, performance can be linearly scaled as more hardware is added.
ALUX is the only sharded blockchain that keeps cross-shard transactions atomic and concurrent. Scaling by sharding is an illusion if 10 shards do not “look and feel” like one shard.
With concurrency, data intensive transactions do not need to queue up with value intensive transactions. You can pay lower fees for them. One platform for ALL!
Transactions can only run from begin to end; they cannot be suspended and later resumed.
Transactions can run like coroutines; they can be suspended and resumed when certain conditions are satisfied. However, distributed concurrency control must be applied to guarantee that the transactions are ACID.
Increased performance.
Enables many long-running transactions, such as IO-intensive jobs, and, more importantly, inter-shard, inter-chain, and inter-system calls (for example, between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0).
Yes, we can make off-chain oracles and relayers obsolete!"
Traditional blockchains are like a public whiteboard (ledger). Kids need to wait in line to write to the whiteboard. In these systems, transactions must be queued. “Sharding” just means multiple queues.
ALUX uses Tuple Space, where each resource is like one LEGO block. Each piece can only be taken by one kid at any moment, and cannot be "modified in place," so kids can play together without queues.
Please contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger that facilitates the process of recording transactions and tracking assets in a business network. An asset can be tangible (a house, car, cash, land) or intangible (intellectual property, patents, copyrights, branding). Virtually anything of value can be tracked and traded on a blockchain network, reducing risk and cutting costs for all involved.
ALUX network is building the concurrency control layer for Web 3.0. Leaderless, concurrent, EVM compatible, and data on chain. Yes, we just brought concurrency to blockchain!
In ALUX network, where each resource is like one LEGO block. Each piece can only be taken by one kid at any moment, and cannot be "modified in place," so kids can play together without queues. “The trilemma only applies to one transaction queue. If no queue is needed, the trilemma is naturally solved.” WE ARE THE GLOBAL COMPUTER!
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